3 Signs You Need A New Set Of Tires

How well can you tell when it is appropriate to replace your car tires? Many people rely on the penny test, but it is just one indicator. The timely replacement of worn tires is crucial for vehicle safety. Worn tires have a compromised road grip which makes steering and braking less effective. You are also at the risk of a tire blowout, which can cause a crash or leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere. So how can you reliably tell it is time to visit the tire shop for a new set of wheels?

1. Worn Tire Treads 

Tire treads have the vital role of giving grip to the wheels, which gives the wheel traction to turn or brake. Visibly worn treads give the most obvious sign you need to replace your tires. But it is advisable not to wait until the tires are visibly worn because their effectiveness will be compromised.

You can measure tread depth using a tread depth gauge. If the gauge reads a depth below 2/32 inches, consider a tire change. You can also use the popular penny test. Take a penny and dip it in a groove, preferably halfway between the tire centerline and the edge. The penny should dip head-first into the groove. If you can see all of the head, you need a new set.

2. Visible Cracks and Cuts 

Tires degrade with age, especially when they are in hot environments. Sunlight exposure and high heat make tires brittle and prone to sidewall cracking. There are risks of a blowout when the cracking is extensive. 

Tire cuts weaken the tires by introducing a weak point for the tire pressure to push against. Cuts often come from running over sharp objects like edged rocks. Bumping against curbs also weakens the sidewall. If you can see extensive cracking or deep cuts, it is time to visit the tire shop. 

3. Tire Bulges and Bubbles 

Sometimes you will see protrusions on your tires. They happen when a tire's internal rigid frame is compromised. It creates a weak point that is forced outwards by air pressure. Sometimes the air will get to the outer sections of the tire, causing a bubble.

A tire with bulges or bubbles is at a high risk of blowing out. You should replace it as soon as you notice this problem even if the treads are in good condition. It is better to be safe than sorry because such a tire will inevitably blow out. 

Do you think you need a new set of tires? Visit a tire shop and talk about your car's tire needs. 
