How To Store Tires Correctly

Automobile tires are built tough enough to withstand most of the perils of the road for many, many years. Yet they are surprisingly fragile when it comes to storing them--especially for long periods of time. Fortunately, you can help to extend their lifespan by storing them correctly. If you would like to learn more about what this entails, read on. This article will provide three tips for long term tire storage.

Start by giving them a good cleaning.

 As you can probably guess, this tip doesn't apply to wheels that have never been installed on a car. Yet many people change their tires based on the season, using high performance varieties in the summer months and high-traction snow tires in the winter. When swapping out between such tires, it is important to always give the tires you've just taken off a thorough cleaning.

Use a stiff brush and a bucket of soapy water to remove any dirt, dust, and grime. In the process you will also likely be removing such caustic materials as engine oil and brake dust. The idea here is that, if left in place, those substances can cause the tire's rubber to begin degrading prematurely.

Store the tires in opaque plastic bags.

Tires are highly vulnerable to both moisture and light. To reduce the destructive effects of both these substances, it is best to put each clean tire inside of an airtight, opaque plastic bag. Bags designed for lawn waste are a good choice here, being thick, durable, and impenetrable to light. Make sure that there is no moisture inside of the bag before placing the tire inside.

Once you've got the tire inside, do your best to squeeze out as much air as you can, then seal the bag nice and tight using heavy duty tape. Not only will this protect the tire from outside elements, but it will also keep volatile compounds from evaporating out of the tire rubber.

Store your tires in the basement rather than the garage.

When it comes to a tire storage location, most people naturally gravitate toward the garage. After all, that's likely where you do the business of putting on and taking off your car's tires. Yet unless you happen to have a climate controlled garage, you are likely better off keeping your tires stored in your basement.

The problem here is that many garages are uninsulated. This makes them susceptible to rapid variations in both temperature and humidity. Provided your basement is nice and dry, the conditions down there are much more suitable for long term tire storage. 

For more tire care tips, contact a company like Action Al's Tire Company.
